Membership FAQs

All male descendants, adopted sons, and stepsons of members of The American Legion, and such male descendants of veterans who died in service during World War I or since December 7, 1941, during the delimiting periods set forth in Article IV, Section 1, of the National Constitution of The American Legion or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion. There shall be no form or class of membership except an active membership. 

Are girls or women eligible to join the Sons?
No. Only males are eligible to join the Sons. Women who are veterans and are eligible to join The American Legion are welcome and encouraged to do so. The American Legion Auxiliary was established to provide Legion Family membership for female relatives of Legionnaires.

How can I sign up for the Sons?
You should check with someone at The American Legion Post nearest you. There is a good chance that Post will have its own Squadron of the Sons. If not, someone at the Post should be able to tell you where to find a Squadron near you. If not, contact the S.A.L. National Headquarters for information about finding a nearby Squadron.

I am a member of The American Legion. Can I also belong to the Sons?
Yes! Many veterans who are eligible for membership in The American Legion are also eligible to join the Sons. They are very much welcome to belong to both organizations. We call these individuals dual members. They are quite often an important link between the Sons and The Legion Post in their home towns.

How much does it cost to belong to the Sons?
There is no simple answer to this question. Each Squadron establishes its dues requirements. Also, many Squadrons have a reduced dues rate for youngsters. Generally speaking, annual dues normally run between $10 and $30. We have a slogan within the Sons that addresses the issue of dues: It's not the price you pay for's the price your forefathers paid to make you eligible!"

I am moving to a new town and want to transfer my membership there. How do I get a new card?
Be sure to report your new address. You can do that in person through your new Squadron Adjutant, or you can do it electronically by going to The Legion's Web site and filling out an electronic form.

The American Legion offers programs for honorary memberships and "Paid Up For Life" (PUFL). Does the S.A.L. offer these same membership programs?
Not really. Squadrons that want to honor an individual with an honorary membership must take care of renewing that individual's membership annually. There is no way to pre-pay for future years' memberships. Also, there is no program for an individual to make a lump-sum payment that will cover his membership for the rest of his life. In these respects, the Sons is quite different from its parent.

Can an S.A.L. member sign up a new Legion member and vice versa?
Yes! The same applies to Auxiliary membership. As long as the necessary membership application is filled out and the prospective member provides a copy of his/her DD-214 discharge papers (this applies to Legion membership...prospective S.A.L. and Auxiliary members need to supply a copy of discharge papers for the relative through whom their eligibility is established) and they pay the appropriate amount for dues, simply submit these materials to the Legion or S.A.L. Adjutant. In fact...many members of the Sons like to carry around blank copies of membership applications for each of the Legion Family organizations, just in case.